Our Commitment
Maintain Virginia’s carbon reduction policy, and protect the resulting funding for low-income energy efficiency programs, home weatherization, and flood resiliency projects.
In 2020, Virginia passed the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act, allowing the commonwealth to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI, pronounced ‘reggie’) and establishing the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). RGGI is a market- based program with 11 participating states that generates new funds while reducing electricity sector emissions. This pollution reduction program drives down greenhouse gas emissions which improves air quality and public health while also bringing in desperately needed revenue to help Virginia’s families with energy bills and flood protection.
The Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act directs 50% of RGGI revenue to low-income energy efficiency programs, 45% to the CFPF, and 5% to administrative costs. In Virginia’s first year of participation in RGGI, the Commonwealth received $228 million from RGGI auctions. These proceeds are already being used to create more energy-efficient, affordable housing units, help low-income families reduce energy bills, and enhance community flood prevention and protection.
Community Flood Preparedness Projects

Low-Income Energy Efficiency Projects
The map, provided by the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council, shows funding for the Affordable & Special Needs Housing (ASNH) program, which is fully funded through Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These funds ensure that more energy-efficient, affordable housing is available for Virginia’s most under-served communities.

ROUNDUP: Air Board’s (Unlawful) Vote to Repeal RGGI
The Air board voted to start the process to repeal RGGI despite overwhelming support for the program from Virginian voters.
ROUNDUP: Opposition to RGGI Removal
Hundreds of individuals submitted comments to the Administration in opposition to the RGGI Notice of Intent for Regulatory Action - see what our partner organizations had to say in our Roundup.
How Can Energy Efficiency Create Jobs & Savings in Virginia?
Virginia can lower energy costs, reduce pollution, and spur job growth by implementing ambitious energy efficiency policies.
OPINION: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is under attack
Gov-elect Youngkin pledged to remove Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). In response, Virginia Conservation Network's Climate & Energy Policy Manager, Narissa Turner, explains why withdrawing from RGGI would hurt Virginia's families.
ROUNDUP: Governor’s RGGI Report
Governor Youngkin released a Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative report that provides a cherry-picked analysis to support a partisan effort to repeal Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - despite 67% of Virginians supporting RGGI.
Bill of the Day: Flood Resilience
Virginians are on the frontline of climate change, facing devastating sea-level rise and increasing rainfall. It is critical for Virginia to pass strong flood resilience legislation.
How RGGI Addresses Statewide Flood Risk
Our Partners at the Environmental Defense Fund highlight the importance of RGGI funds for addressing Virginia’s statewide flood risk.