Our Commitment
Maintain Virginia’s carbon reduction policy, and protect the resulting funding for low-income energy efficiency programs, home weatherization, and flood resiliency projects.
In 2020, Virginia passed the Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act, allowing the commonwealth to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI, pronounced ‘reggie’) and establishing the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF). RGGI is a market- based program with 11 participating states that generates new funds while reducing electricity sector emissions. This pollution reduction program drives down greenhouse gas emissions which improves air quality and public health while also bringing in desperately needed revenue to help Virginia’s families with energy bills and flood protection.
The Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act directs 50% of RGGI revenue to low-income energy efficiency programs, 45% to the CFPF, and 5% to administrative costs. In Virginia’s first year of participation in RGGI, the Commonwealth received $228 million from RGGI auctions. These proceeds are already being used to create more energy-efficient, affordable housing units, help low-income families reduce energy bills, and enhance community flood prevention and protection.
Community Flood Preparedness Projects

Low-Income Energy Efficiency Projects
The map, provided by the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council, shows funding for the Affordable & Special Needs Housing (ASNH) program, which is fully funded through Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These funds ensure that more energy-efficient, affordable housing is available for Virginia’s most under-served communities.

Bill of the Day: The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
We must make sure that Virginia rejoins the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative as soon as possible through budget items 4-5.12 #2s and 4-5.12 #1h.
ROUNDUP: Court Rules in Favor of RGGI
The Circuit Court of Floyd County ruled that the regulatory action removing Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative was “unlawful and without effect.”
Missed Opportunity to Rejoin RGGI Through the Budget
Our Partners at the Virginia League of Conservation Voters released a joint statement, signed on by VCN and several of our Partners, addressing the absence of language for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in the new budget.
Bill of the Day: RGGI Budget Battle
Virginia must rejoin the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and is poised to do so through a proposed budget amendment.
CODE RED: Air Pollution Board Votes to Repeal RGGI
As Virginia's air quality hits Code Red, our Air Pollution Control Board voted to withdraw from RGGI - a program that reduces carbon pollution and protects air quality.
ROUNDUP: Thousands Weigh in on RGGI
Thousands of Virginians weighed in on the proposed regulatory repeal of RGGI - and over 88% strongly support Virginia's participation in RGGI.
Youngkin’s RGGI Removal Plan
The Youngkin administration’s plan to repeal RGGI through regulation [...]
Virginia Governor Youngkin is wrong about RGGI. Here’s 5 reasons why.
After Governor Youngkin's misleading report on RGGI, the Environmental Defense Fund outlined 5 key reasons why Virginia needs RGGI.
Housing Innovations in Energy Efficiency Funds Map
See the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council's map of funds by region for the Affordable and Special Needs Housing program, part of the Housing Innovation Energy Efficiency funds, which are entirely funded through Virginia's Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Community Flood Preparedness Fund Grant Locations (with Senate District Boundaries)
Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund Grant Locations with Senate district boundaries.
Community Flood Preparedness Fund Grant Locations (with House District Boundaries)
Community Flood Preparedness Fund grant locations with House district boundaries
5 Reasons RGGI is a Good Deal for Virginians
The Environmental Defense Fund released a blog post outlining 5 reasons why RGGI is good for Virginia.