ROUNDUP: How a Gas Tax Suspension Actually Affects Virginians
A gas tax suspension would drastically cut public transit and rail funding - services Virginians need now more than ever.
A gas tax suspension would drastically cut public transit and rail funding - services Virginians need now more than ever.
To guarantee transit equity and reduce barriers to transit access, we need legislation which better distributes TRIP funds for zero-fare transit.
See RVA Rapid Transit's 2021 State of Transit Report here.
See the Multi-Use Trail Initiative, a report on multi-use trail master planning, prioritization, and funding.
The Community Climate Collaborative released their Virginia Transit Tool, which provides data and metrics that support community efforts to organize and advocate for better transit and contribute to an improved environment.
Check out StreetLight Data's EV Charging Dashboard, which provides a high-level view of which areas within a given region may be most suitable for installing new charging stations.
The Rocky Mountain Institute released their SHIFT calculator, a tool that enables users to estimate long-run induced vehicle miles traveled and emissions impacts.
Governor Northam's outgoing budget proposal prioritized our natural resources through historic investments in Virginia’s natural resources - fully funding nearly all of the Virginia conservation community’s budget asks which we outlined in Our Common Agenda.
Welcome to the fourth week of Our Common Agenda Education Series, featuring the Transportation chapter of Our Common Agenda.