A Year in Review: VCN’s 2023 Annual Report

By |2024-05-10T10:55:46-04:00May 4, 2023|Categories: Conservation News Across the Commonwealth|Tags: |Comments Off on A Year in Review: VCN’s 2023 Annual Report

A Year in Review: VCN’s 2023 Annual Report

Thanks to highly coordinated efforts and despite political headwinds, VCN — in our role as the strategic facilitator of our 150+ Network Partners — was successful in holding onto major environmental and climate policy successes from the last few years while celebrating historic investments in conservation funding through the budget.

Our Annual Report reviews Virginia Conservation Network’s work from Spring 2022 to Winter 2023. While it feels almost impossible to cover everything we worked on last year in only a few pages, we did our best to squeeze in the highlights, including:

  • our strategy to advance conservation initiatives year-round,
  • our policy gains and challenges through the General Assembly session and beyond,
  • our Network Partner engagement events,
  • and more.

As we sent this annual report to the printer, we learned of the tragic loss of our Clean Energy & Climate Justice Policy Manager, Shawn Soares, on May 4th, 2023. Shawn was committed to devoting his career to bettering the Commonwealth and was a rising star in the climate movement. We are dedicating this annual report to him and are committed to working in his honor moving forward.

See the 2022–23 Annual Report

Read more of our recent updates from our blog:

Extended Producer Responsibility for Virginia

Environment Virginia provides an explanation on what Extended Producer Responsibility means, a policy approach which could be just what the US needs to revamp plastic recycling-- or eliminate the need for it altogether.

“Tanks for Nothing” Report

The Center for Progressive Reform released a report examining EPA and state policy failures regarding hazardous chemical spills, emphasizing the lack of information and preventative measures for storage tanks.

Vehicle Miles Traveled Calculator

The Rocky Mountain Institute released their SHIFT calculator, a tool that enables users to estimate long-run induced vehicle miles traveled and emissions impacts.

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