On Friday, Governor Ralph Northam announced that Virginia will invest $14 million from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust (VW Trust) to replace all-diesel cargo handling equipment at the Port of Virginia with zero-emission all-electric equipment, and $20 million to fund the Clean Air Communities Program to electrify government fleets across the Commonwealth.


You can read more about the announcement here.


Wyatt Gordon, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Virginia Conservation Network


“Governor Northam’s announcement today is a huge step for Virginia as we position ourselves to be a national leader in the fight against climate change. By transitioning the Port of Virginia to all-electric zero-emission equipment and investing a further $20 million towards electrifying state vehicle fleets, this administration has laid out a clear vision for the Commonwealth to lead by example. Combined with the Clean Economy Act passed by the General Assembly this year which set our state on a path to zero-carbon energy generation by 2045, the investments announced today demonstrate the importance of a long-term approach to solving our climate crisis. Transportation now represents nearly half of Virginia’s carbon emissions. While bolder land use policies and expanding alternatives to driving remain our top tools to reduce carbon pollution, the Governor’s steps today mark a strategic investment in a cleaner, healthier Commonwealth of the future.”