Bill of the Day: Protecting Virginia’s Great Outdoors
VCN advocates for Virginia's Great Outdoor Act to support efforts in increasing conservation and outdoor recreation funding.
VCN advocates for Virginia's Great Outdoor Act to support efforts in increasing conservation and outdoor recreation funding.
On July 1st, all bills from the 2024 General Assembly session became law in Virginia. One new law directs the Building Codes Commission to conduct a study on allowing single staircases for residential buildings up to six stories instead of three.
VCN advocates regulating data center growth to assess their impact on natural resources, energy consumption, and public health before development.
VCN is supporting efforts to increase conservation and outdoor recreation funding.
Sen. Emmett W. Hanger, Jr. announces over 1 million acres of Virginia land conserved thanks to Virginia's Land Preservation Tax Credit—a major milestone for the conservation community.
See conservation policy updates on Clear-Cutting Forests, Bad Energy Development, and Budget Conferees from week 6 of the General Assembly session.
Data centers consume massive amounts of resources, and we don’t fully know just how bad the consequences will be. Support SJ240!
Virginia Conservation Network supports the Governor’s Amendment #10, which directly appropriates $3.5M from the general fund for the preservation of historic tribal lands of the Chickahominy Tribe.
Virginia Conservation Network’s Wrap-Up of the 2021 General Assembly's land conservation policy includes legislation to protect conservation easements, promote wildlife corridors, and protect native plants and pollinators.