Roundup: Thousands of Virginians Weigh in on RGGI

An Overwhelming majority of Virginians support RGGI!
Over 6,600 Virginians have submitted their comments on the Youngkin Administration’s proposed repeal of Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). In a prior public comment period, about 95% of comments, surpassing 750 in total, expressed opposition to repealing RGGI. A similar margin of support is visible in this round of public comments but in far greater numbers – over 88% of comments support RGGI.
Virginians strongly support RGGI, a regional carbon market that caps overall carbon emissions from fossil fuel power plants. The program funds desperately needed flood resilience efforts for communities and energy efficiency upgrades for low-income homes. In its first year, RGGI raised over half a billion dollars for Virginia’s vulnerable communities.
Benefits of Virginia’s Participation in RGGI
Tidal Flooding in Norfolk, VA. Photo credit: Aileen Devlin
Lowered Emissions
- Since RGGI was founded, emissions from power plants in RGGI states have dropped by 50%, double that of non-RGGI states.
Improved Public Health
- In just the first 5 years, over 8000 asthma attacks were avoided.
Funding for Virginians
- Over $265 million to the Community Flood Preparedness Fund – Virginia’s only source of proactive flood prevention.
- Over $294 million to fund energy efficiency retrofits for low and moderate-income homes and new, energy-efficient affordable housing.
Next Steps for the RGGI Regulatory Repeal Process
Virginians have made it clear: citizens oppose the Governor’s proposed regulatory plan to repeal RGGI. We are waiting to see how Virginia’s Administration responds to these public comments.
Anticipated next steps in the regulatory process include the DEQ’s response to the public comments and a final vote by the Air Board. The Air Board will give public notice on the Town Hall when this regulatory item is included on the Air Board’s meeting agenda. Based on our traditional regulatory process, we fully expect an in-person Public Comment opportunity at the future Air Board meeting when RGGI is on the agenda. Stay tuned!
Statements from the Conservation Community
Along with parents, students, advocates, and lawmakers, our Partners weighed in to support Virginia’s participation in RGGI. See the Partnership’s comments below.