Our Commitment
Addressing inequalities in our energy system to provide efficient and affordable energy.
While Virginia undergoes a clean energy transition, we must address the inequalities baked into our current energy system by improving protections for households from utility disconnections, ensuring public participation in decision-making about the source of power and its cost to consumers, and enable our energy regulators to manage a clean energy transition that is both effective at combating climate change and affordable to residents.
Good Governance Recap: 2025 Bill Outcomes
Virginia Conservation Network supported 18 bills this General Assembly session that address the fundamental policies governing our decision makers and support democracy.
New Laws: Protecting Customers from Utility Shutoffs
The Emergency Utilities Protection Act went into effect July 1st, and it prevents utilities from cutting off customers on days of extreme weather, or other situations that warrant high usage. These protections address the ever growing threat of climate change’s consequences in a just manner that brings Virginia up to speed with the rest of the South.
Bill of the Day: Paying for Small-Scale Nuclear Reactors
Small-scale nuclear reactors aka "SMRs" are one of the most expensive power projects to build, and several bills this session would allow utilities to push cost risk onto ratepayers.
Bill of the Day: Investing in the SAVE Act
VCN is supporting efforts to strengthen energy efficiency across the Commonwealth through the SAVE Act.
Utility Reform Education Week: Dominion’s Rate Case
Welcome to the sixth week of Our Common Agenda Education Series, featuring the Utility Reform chapter of Our Common Agenda.
Bill of the Day: Electric Utility Rate Reform
Electric utility rate reform legislation will protect consumers and restore oversight authority to regulators. Without, Virginians will lose out on refunds for the $500 million in overcharges by Dominion Energy since 2017 and regulators may not be able to lower over-charged electric bills.
Interactive Map: Virginia’s Energy Burden
PSE Health Energy developed a map highlighting the median energy cost burden across counties in Virginia.
Report: A Case for Utility Disconnection Protections in Virginia
PSE Healthy Energy released an issue brief discussing the extent of energy cost burdens in Virginia and how they affect the state's most vulnerable residents.
Guide to the Virginia Electric Utility Regulation Act
The Guide to the Virginia Electric Utility Regulation Act translates key parts of Virginia's Electric Utility Regulation code into plain [...]