How Can Energy Efficiency Create Jobs & Savings in Virginia?
Virginians pay the 8th highest electricity bills nationwide. On average, families living in poverty use a disproportionately high 21% of their income for energy. However, much of the energy Virginians pay for is wasted. This is also an environmental justice concern as high energy costs disproportionately impact low-income, Black, and Latinx families.
Virginia can substantially benefit from ambitious energy efficiency policies that strive for the electrification of appliances, allow localities to require new development to be all-electric, and create stronger energy efficiency targets for utilities. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) helps Virginia tap into its full energy efficiency potential as half of RGGI funds are directed towards low-income families for energy-efficient affordable housing and weatherization projects.

Funding areas for the Affordable & Special Needs Housing (ASNH) program, which is fully funded through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). These funds ensure that more energy-efficient, affordable housing is available for Virginia’s most under-served communities. Map provided by the Virginia Energy Efficiency Council.
How Will Energy Efficiency Help Virginians?
Energy efficiency—achieving the same output with less energy—has been proven to lower energy bills and reduce energy-related pollution. Cost-effective efficiency upgrades can save the average Virginia household $729 a year on utility bills. Businesses also benefit from energy efficiency as the average commercial building wastes 30% of its energy. Energy efficiency generates the highest number of jobs in Virginia’s energy sector. Tapping the full U.S. energy efficiency potential could even cut national carbon emissions in half by 2050.
While Virginia has passed significant energy efficiency legislation in the past, the Commonwealth’s chronically high electricity bills and energy burden—the percentage of gross household income spent on energy costs—show Virginia still has untapped energy efficiency potential. Numerous barriers are keeping the benefits of energy efficiency out of the hands of Virginians: upfront costs, lack of information, and restrictions set by building owners. Existing buildings can increase efficiency by replacing fossil fuel-powered appliances, such as heating systems, with more efficient electric versions. Unfortunately, current policies restrict some opportunities for this beneficial electrification.
Making a powerful climate action tool like energy efficiency the bedrock component of Virginia’s energy policy will reduce carbon pollution and household costs while creating local, well paying jobs.
Making Virginia Energy Efficient
Virginia can lower energy costs, reduce pollution, and spur job growth by implementing and keeping current, ambitious energy efficiency policies that are at threat of being removed, such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). See the policy recommendations in Our Common Agenda Environmental Briefing Book to make Virginia more energy efficient.
Thank you to our Network Partners at Clean Virginia, Climate Cabinet Education, The Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Club’s Virginia Chapter for providing expertise on these policy solutions.
3 Ways YOU Can Take Action to Make Virginia Energy Efficient
Today is National Energy Efficiency Day! On October 5, 2022, a growing network of advocates, companies, government agencies, utilities and others will showcase the benefits of energy efficiency during the 7th annual nationwide Energy Efficiency Day. Want to help spread the word about how energy efficiency will #SaveMoney, #CutPollution, and #CreateJobs while learning 10 simple ways to save on your next energy bill? Click on the button below to learn more:
One way you can help make Virginia more energy efficient is by defending currently existing policies that bolster Virginia’s energy efficiency but are at threat of being removed. Fortunately, organizations like the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) are dedicated to keeping Virginia’s air, water, land, and communities happy and healthy.