Virginia Conservation Network’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Work Plan

VCN is committed to building a more equitable and diverse organization and Network. In 2020, VCN released our initial Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice Workplan to our Network Partners, putting in place key initiatives to build a more just and inclusive movement. VCN shares an updated work plan every year at our Annual Meeting.

VCN has identified that our role in this work as a Network starts with addressing the culture and capacity of our own organization and our Network Partner’s organizations.

It’s important to note that this work is ongoing and changes. While VCN’s 2021-2022 DEIJ action plan is an important tool to hold ourselves accountable, we also know that as we continue to listen and learn, we also must be ready to adapt and change. It is also important to note that while we set a plan and goals to hold ourselves accountable, none of these actions themselves nor this entire plan together will move the needle where it needs to be in one year. This is a long-term process that will take commitment over decades and adjustments as we go. 

See our core DEIJ program highlights below.

Environmental Advocacy Fellowship

VCN’s Environmental Advocacy Fellowship program aims to build up our pipeline of professionals of color by facilitating opportunities for underrepresented communities in our conservation movement. Fellows work directly under a VCN manager to gain first-hand experience and knowledge in Virginia’s environmental network in long-term projects designed specifically for their interests in either policy or outreach.

Show Me More About VCN’s Fellowship Program

Meet Past Fellows

Racial Equity Learning Series

Over 60 environmental professionals have graduated from VCN’s Racial Equity Cohort over the last two years as part of our work in building a more just and inclusive conservation movement. Our Racial Equity Learning Series furthers this work by facilitating the deepening of VCN members’ racial equity journey. Participants in this four-month training series includes leaders from our Partner organizations, ranging from directors to operations managers, program managers, and board members. The training series is designed to expand upon the knowledge of VCN Network Partner Organizations  on their racial equity and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) journey.

With mentorship from Ebony Walden, a leader in equity, inclusion, and justice in organizations, the Cohort’s educational program allows participants to:

  • Recognize, explore, and address how white dominant culture and implicit bias manifests in themselves and in their non-profit organizations;
  • Evaluate their organization’s culture, programs, and policies on measures of DEIJ;
  • Develop organizational plans to implement changes in culture and practices;
  • Discuss identity, privilege, implicit bias, microaggressions, allyship, equitable hiring, leadership development, and more.
Show Me More About VCN’s Racial Equity Learning Series

“This is an accessible, comprehensive series that approaches inclusion and equity in environmental spaces with thoughtfulness and compassion. It’s given me a roadmap for how to begin conversations and take action in my organization.”

Leslie A. Clements (she/her), Virginia Aquarium

“I learned a lot from the materials and the other participants, a thoughtful, intentional group of people.”

Nancy Stoner, President, Potomac Riverkeeper Network

“Learning from expert facilitators and peer organizations as we are implementing changes over the course of a year allowed us to vet our ideas and accelerate their implementation. Thank you, VCN for providing this critical opportunity.”

Susan Kruse, Community Climate Collaborative

Equity Review Committee for Our Common Agenda

In order to avoid policy recommendations that may have an adverse impact on environmental justice communities – specifically low-income communities, communities of color, and rural communities – a team of Network Partners serves on the Equity Review Committee for Our Common Agenda Environmental Briefing Book. The committee reviews all briefing paper drafts to ensure that policies won’t have unintended consequences and looks for opportunities where policies can lift up historically marginalized communities. Recommendations offered by the Equity Review Team are considered by the co-authors and integrated to the best of their collective ability.

The 2023 Equity Review Committee included a strong team of VCN Partners:

  • Victoria Higgins, Chesapeake Climate Action Network
  • Grace Tucker, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Caetano de Campos Lopes, Community Climate Collaborative
  • Maribel Castañeda, Our Virginia Outdoors
  • Paul Armstrong, University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Margaret Hofstedt, University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Sophia Chapin, Piedmont Environmental Council
  • Vivienne Pierce McDaniel, National Black Nurses Association, Central Virginia Chapter
  • Leah McCord, Climate Equity Working Group
  • McKenna Dunbar, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
  • Tytus Suchotinunt, Virginia Conservation Network

“Black in Green” Career Panels with BlackOak Collective

One of the best ways to dismantle systemic racism is by supporting Black-led organizations, diversifying hiring, and promoting Black leaders in our organizations. By teaming up with BlackOak Collective (BlackOak), we are expanding the pipeline of Black professionals launching careers within Virginia’s environmental movement through our “Black in Green” Conservation Career Panels. These virtual career panels connect young Black professionals launching careers within Virginia’s environmental movement with Black environmental advocacy leaders. Through this connection, Black In Green creates space for the Black environmental leaders of today to guide and inspire the Black leaders of tomorrow.

See the featured Black leaders within the Virginia Conservation Network who have joined these conservation career panels:

DEIJ Workplan

VCN publicly releases our annual DEIJ Workplan to hold us accountable to our words while also providing a platform for partners and advocates to give us feedback and to share ideas for partners to implement in their own organizations. You can see below our progress report on the 2020-2021 work plan as well as an updated DEIJ work plan based on that progress and feedback from Partners at our Annual Meeting:

2023 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Workplan
DRAFT: 2024 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Workplan