VCN Conservation Awards2024-06-04T16:22:22-04:00

Conservation Awards

Annual Virginia Conservation Awards


Virginia Conservation Network proudly presents annual Conservation Awards at the Annual Meeting & Partner Retreat hosted at state park every fall. The Conservation Awards serve to:

  1. Celebrate innovation and achievement by our Network Partners.
  2. Recognize the work of individuals who provide leadership and support for environmental conservation and sustainability in Virginia at the local, regional, or state level.


Awards are given in the following three categories:

Conservation Awards Nomination Guidelines

Individuals engaged in VCN’s Partner Network can make one nomination per award.

To be considered for an award, all nominees must be a VCN Network Partner and have done work within Virginia’s conservation communities. Award winners will be recognized at the Conservation Awards Dinner as part of our Annual Meeting & Partner Retreat every fall.

Nominations must include:

  • A description of no more than 400 words for why your nominee should receive this award (e.g. Led a massive campaign, successfully defended policy during General Assembly, executed an extremely engaging hybrid event, planted “X” amount of trees, recruited # volunteers for a conference, etc.).
  • A short summary of no more than 150 words describing the work and impact of the nominee in at least one of our 5 main issue areas at the local, regional, or state level, suitable for public use.

The deadline for nominations is midnight Friday, July 26th, 2024. You can submit your nomination below or click here to open the form in a new tab.


Meet Past Conservation Award Recipients

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