Land & Wildlife Conservation Recap: 2025 Bill Outcomes
Virginia Conservation Network advocated for 12 bills this General Assembly session that supported wildlife habitats, outdoor recreation, protections for native species, and more.
Virginia Conservation Network advocated for 12 bills this General Assembly session that supported wildlife habitats, outdoor recreation, protections for native species, and more.
Virginia must update the Wildlife Corridors Action Plan to incorporate flood preparedness and improve wildlife movement.
Wildlands Network's Misty Boos recently shared her experiences in advancing the adoption of wildlife corridor and crossing policy in Virginia, during her time with both Wild Virginia and Wildlands Network.
The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and Wildlands Network released a report on the progress of U.S. state habitat connectivity legislation over the past 25 years, offering trends, models, and examples for policymakers.
Pat Calvert, Director of Clean Water and Land Conservation at Virginia Conservation Network, is quoted supporting a new law to control the spread of invasive species in the Williamsburg Yorktown Daily.
Virginia Conservation Network advocated for 18 land conservation & wildlife bills this General Assembly session that protect our diminishing tree canopy, reduce invasive species, fund critical outdoor programs, and more.
The Federal Highway Administration recently updated their information portal on the Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program, a grant program aiming to reduce wildlife vehicle collisions and enhance habitat connectivity.
VCN advocates for the Wildlife Corridor Grant Fund, securing funding for wildlife corridor and crossing projects, fostering improved habitat connectivity and ensuring motorist safety.
Our Partners at Wild Virginia have released their Habitat Connectivity Hub, a StoryMap showcasing pivotal connectivity and wildlife crash reduction projects led by Virginia Safe Wildlife Corridors Collaborative’s partners.