

New Laws: Better Bus Stops to Increase Ridership

On July 1st, all bills from the 2024 General Assembly session became law in Virginia, including one that streamlines the process for improving bus stops. This law allows local building officials to review and approve plans for bus shelters, benches, and sidewalks.

August 5, 2024|

New Laws: Reducing Toxic Threats to Our Water and Health

Starting July 1st, most bills from the 2024 General Assembly session became law in Virginia, including bans on high PAHs in pavement sealants and cyanide in gold mining. These laws aim to cut toxic pollution in Virginia's waters and protecting human and ecological health.

July 31, 2024|

New Laws: Protecting Customers from Utility Shutoffs

The Emergency Utilities Protection Act went into effect July 1st, and it prevents utilities from cutting off customers on days of extreme weather, or other situations that warrant high usage. These protections address the ever growing threat of climate change’s consequences in a just manner that brings Virginia up to speed with the rest of the South.

July 30, 2024|
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