

Welcome to VCN’s new Board Members!

As Virginia Conservation Network turned 51 at our Annual Meeting on October 2nd, we also appointed four new board members! As the partnership of 150 conservation organizations in Virginia, VCN is proud that our board members are voted on by our partners.

October 13, 2020|

Voter Registration Deadline is October 13th!

Virginia's Voter Registration Deadline is October 13th, just a week away! Not yet registered to vote? You can never register too soon, so do it now and check it off your list. To register to vote in Virginia, visit here. Think you're already registered? Double check here. Research shows that the most effective tactic for getting out the vote is hearing from trusted friends and family. With 7 days until the registration deadline, the most important thing you can do beyond [...]

October 6, 2020|

Early Voting Begins Today!

The November election is just weeks away! Virginia Conservation Network wants to ensure that you are prepared with the information and resources to cast your vote in 2020.  This year, you can vote in person on or before November 3rd, or mail in or drop off an absentee ballot.  Starting today, you are officially able to cast your ballot! Ballots begin to be mailed to voters on September 18th so be on the lookout for it in your mailbox. Once you've received [...]

September 18, 2020|

VCN Response to the 2020 General Assembly Special Session and the 2021-22 Biennium Budgets

Your charge during this special session of the General Assembly is a weighty one -- address the immediate demands of a public health crisis, continue the hard work of dismantling racial inequities in the Commonwealth, and secure the essential needs of our communities. This pandemic has made it clear that among those essential needs are clean air, clean water, equitable access to the outdoors, and access to transportation alternatives.  As you take up the 2021-2022 Biennium Budget, please remember that [...]

August 25, 2020|
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