The Virginia Conservation Network (VCN) ‘s Legislative Committee and Board of Directors will vote on bill and budget positions, supported by Virginia’s conservation community, for the 2025 General Assembly Session. See our bill positions on the tracker below.

Jump down to see our budget positions.

The Bill Tracker is currently sorted by issue area and then by bill number. However, you can sort the bill tracker yourself. Click on the column heading to sort bills alphabetically by category. Click on the column heading again to sort in reverse order. We recommend sorting by “Bill Number” to find a specific bill quickly or by “Outcome” to see which of our positions passed, failed, or are still being voted on.

You can also rearrange the columns’ order and width by toggling the column heading.

You can also filter bills by category by dragging the column heading to the top of the Bill Tracker on the “Drag here to set row groups” prompt. You can filter by multiple categories by dragging additional column headings to the top bar. For example, you may only want to see which of our water bills passed. To do so, filter the bills by dragging “issue area” and then “bill outcome” to the top bar to see the breakdown of passed, failed, vetoed, or amended water bills. Remember, you can adjust the width of the columns to make the categories easier to read.

To understand the effects of a proposed bill and the reasoning for our bill position, click on the linked bill position to see talking points from our Partners.

Virginia Conservation Network Budget Tracker (2025)

Issue AreaPositionBudget ItemBudget Item Description
WaterOPPOSEItem 362Delay the phased prohibition on the use of polystyrene food containers until July 1, 2028 and July 1, 2030.
Land Conservation & WildlifeSUPPORTItem 367$4,431,141 the first year from the general fund is provided
for the Commonwealth's share of an Army Corps of Engineers project to construct a
permanent habitat for Virginia's largest seabird colony.