VCN Network Partners and advocates with VCEA bill patrons Sen. McClellan and Del. Sullivan. 

Updates on VCN Priorities

VCEA heading to the Governor’s desk (HB1526/SB851). In a whirlwind 18-hours, the Senate version of VCEA (SB851) cleared the House after defeating several floor amendments. It was then passed by the Senate this morning and heads to Gov. Northam for his signature. This win belongs to the entire VCN Network but particular thanks go out to Will Cleveland (SELC), Harrison Wallace and Mike Tidwell (CCAN), Mike Town and Danielle Simms (VaLCV), and Corinna Beall, Bob Shippee, and Mary-Stewart Torbeck (Virginia Sierra Club), and, of course, the VCN Team.

Ratepayer protection bill passes House and Senate (HB528). Protections for ratepayers when a power plant closes early are heading to the Governor’s desk after Del. Subramanyam’s legislation passed the House and Senate. This bill would allow the SCC to set appropriate recovery periods, including requiring potential refunds to ratepayers. A huge shout out to the Clean Virginia team for their work on this bill. The AP said it best: “in a rare move, Senate OKs bill over Dominions objections.” 

Transportation omnibus reaching agreement through conference (HB1414/SB890). The Senate version of the bill has higher levels of funding for rail and transit. It seems likely that the Senate conferees are intent on sticking with their funding levels and the hope is that the House will agree.

Bill Positions

Virginia Conservation Network publishes bill positions every week. These positions have been voted on by our Legislative Committee, comprised of leading environmental organizations in the state, and our board of directors. They are intended to reflect the positions of the broader conservation community and are updated every Friday.

To view this table online with talking points, visit