Check it out: VCN Partner Intern Day!

Fellows pose outside the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond at the end of VCN Partner Intern/Fellow Day.

What Is Intern/Fellow Day?

Virginia Conservation Network recently hosted its first Intern/Fellow Day at the VCN office in Richmond, bringing together interns and fellows from across our Network. This event allowed us to create bonds and strengthen friendships across VCN’ by blending education, networking, and firsthand exploration of Virginia’s conservation landscape.

See the highlights of our Intern/Fellow Day below!

Intern/Fellow Day Kickoff

Our Environmental Advocacy Fellows, KC, Sophie and Finn, kicked off the day with an introduction to VCN, explaining VCN’s mission and role within Virginia’s environmental community. This presentation also provided context to fellows and interns on the importance of collaboration among the VCN Network to ensure a coordinated conservation movement. 

Networking Hour

Afterwards, interns and fellows enjoyed some fun networking activities, giving everyone a chance to get to know each other and connect! This networking hour  fostered new friendships and boosted the collaborative spirit that drives out work.

Summer Speaker Series Starts

Next, VCN fellows kicked off VCN’s third annual Summer Speaker Series with its first session: Consumer Choice and Carbon Footprints. This session was the true highlight of the day as environmental and advocacy experts shared their insight on how individual action can create a sustainable culture over time, which will push the change we need in legislation. Speakers sparked thoughtful conversation and motivated this generation of conservation leaders.

Guided Capitol Tour

Finally, our day culminated with a guided Capitol tour, where interns and fellows got a behind-the-scenes look at Virginia’s legislative landscape.  This immersive experience offered the group a tangible glimpse of their potential futures, empowering them to continue their advocacy.

Missed Intern Day?

Don’t worry, VCN still has one more webinar in our Summer Speaker Series! 

  • Communications in the Environmental Field: July 31 from 12pm-1:15pm
RSVP Here!