Over 200 Advocates Lobby to Defend Clean Energy and Conservation Policy
On February 1st, more than 200 conservation advocates met with their legislators for Virginia Conservation Network’s annual Conservation Lobby Day. Advocates completed more than 50 meetings via Zoom, with other advocates meeting with their legislators in person. Attendees lobbied their state representatives to defend clean energy progress, protect our Clean Car Standards, ensure the integrity of our citizen regulatory boards, invest in clean water and land conservation programs, and a variety of additional goals for the conservation community.

Senator Jennifer McClellan kicked off our 2022 Conservation Lobby Day!
The virtual event began with a charge from legislative conservation champions including Senator Jennifer McClellan, Senator Jennifer Boysko, Delegate Kathy Tran, and Delegate Elizabeth Bennett-Parker. In addition, incoming DEQ Director Mike Rolband and incoming Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Matt Lohr introduced themselves to VCN partners in their new roles. After the dose of morning motivation, the group broke out into their meetings with legislators.

Delegate Mike Mulligan met with his constituents to discuss protections for our land, water, and air during Conservation Lobby Day.
VCN Partner organizations and advocates gathered at the Capitol Belltower during lunch to hand out “climate champion” awards from Chesapeake Climate Action Network to legislators.

Senator Edwards joins advocates to receive his “Climate Champion” award from CCAN.
To wrap-up our day, attendees heard from Chris Zarba, a former EPA employee under Andrew Wheeler. Zabra was one of the signers of a letter from former EPA officials expressing grave concerns over his nomination. Earlier in the day, the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee’s vote to withdraw Andrew Wheeler’s Secretary nomination.